So, what exactly is

A Godly Focused Heart Way of Weight-Loss?

A Godly Focused Heart Way of Weight-Loss Coaching is, simply put, Bible based one on one coaching that, unlike worldly efforts, invites God to be the Center of the weight-loss journey while we focus our heart, mind, will and emotions on Him rather than focusing on the number on the scale and food.

Do we talk about 'diet' and exercise? Absolutely! But our focus is on God and surrendering to His will and plans for us.

Why? So that we can be all God has called and created us to be. And that makes all the difference in the world. God created us with purpose and for purpose!

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

healthy spirit, healthy body, healthy soul

What you've been looking for...

The truth is ladies, the world's ways of dieting will never help us. Why?

Because the world did not create us. God did!

He and He alone is our only hope for lasting life-long transformation.

It's not necessarily about the food. It's about the heart, and God is all about changing the heart.

A Godly Focused Heart Way of weight-loss coaching IS NOT A DIET PROGRAM!

A Godly Focused Heart Way of Weight-Loss Coaching is Bible based (It's in our DNA) for Christian women around and over 50 who, like me, have struggled with being overweight most if not all of our lives.

Let's face it:

At this stage in life, you've most likely been on just about every diet out there. This diet, that pill, prepackaged foods and drinks, another self-help book with great claims. And yes, even as a Christian woman! But here we are. Still going around that same old "diet mountain" year after year.

The truth is ladies, you can achieve a lasting healthy weight and live in the abundant life Jesus has promised you AND fully walk in the calling God has especially for you!

As a certified Christian Coach through my one-on-one programs, I'll help you understand who you are in Christ and how that changes everything, even how you think about food. Together we'll develop disciplines that fit who God uniquely created and called you to be.

When you invite God into your journey, He brings life changing transformation and freedom in all areas of your life. All for His glory.

I will walk alongside of you as you discover how to honor God in the body He has given you. I will lead and guide you into confidently relying on the truth of God's word and how to daily apply His truths to your life, all while you grow deeper in the knowledge and understanding of His grace and who you are in Christ.

When you keep Him in the center of your weight-loss journey, you can and will achieve and maintain a Healthy-You!

My Biblical Weight-Loss Coaching is for you if...

  • You’ve struggled with being overweight for years, you feel like you’re ready to give up because you just have no more ‘fight’ left in you.

  • You’ve lost all hope of ever being a healthy weight for you. You've lost hope in yourself and maybe you've lost your hope in God.

  • You’re afraid of failing, yet again. You agonize over yet another failed attempt to lose weight.

  • You keep focusing on your failures, so much so, you see nothing else. And, if you’re really honest with yourself, you are afraid of success too.

  • Your mind keeps telling you, ‘You don’t have the guts to lose weight.’ Or ‘You are always going to be like this. (lies from the enemy)

  • You’re ashamed of yourself. You shy away from cameras, going out with friends, vacations or being seen in public because of your weight.

Sound like you?

  • You have to BUY PLUS SIZE clothes! You would love to walk into any store and buy something you really love and not have to buy something only because it fits, not because it’s your style and you love it.

  • Late at night, or any time when you're alone, you go on a binge eating spree only to feel horrible afterwards. Then you tell yourself, and God, "I'll never do it again."

  • You wake up in the morning feeling guilty for what you ate the night before. The guilt and shame mount.

  • You dread getting on the scale because you know it's only gone higher and higher.

When you focus solely on what you eat and the number on scale, you overlook the very aspects Jesus desires to set you free from...

food obsession and the numbers on the scale.

The missing piece of the puzzle in most worldly diets is they neglect to invite Christ to be the focus of the weight-loss journey.



A Godly Focused Heart Way is Bible based (it's in our DNA) mindset, life and weight-loss coaching that begins with renewing our minds (Romans 12:2) to God's truths in order to have lasting transformation. You will see spiritual growth and healing as you align with God's will and His plan for your life.


Long-term transformation

Another miracle pill or self-help book will never help us. This is not another 'diet plan'. It's not about food. It's about the heart. And God is all about changing hearts. In my Biblical weight-loss coaching programs you'll learn to rely on the Lord to change every area of your life, from the inside out!



You will become part of an online fellowship of Christian women who are no longer relying on the world's way of losing weight but rather we are focusing on the Lord and renewing our minds so that we are spiritually, mentally and physically able to do those good works He has prepared for us! (Eph 3:20)


Custom coaching

I know the mental struggles, overwhelm and lies from the enemy you probably face again and again. They are keeping you defeated. You must know and apply Biblical principles to your mindsets, these principles are the key to your success. My one heart's desire is to see you and I truly walking in the freedom and abundance of God's calling for our life.

You can do this!



Unlike conventional diets, we invite Christ to be the cornerstone of our weight-loss journey. We emphasize spiritual growth and healing, aligning our goals with God's plan for our lives.


Long-term goals and success

Another 'miracle pill' or self-help book will never help us.

This is not another 'diet plan'.

It's not about food. It's about the heart.

And God is all about changing hearts.

In my Biblical weight-loss coaching programs you'll learn to invite and rely on the Lord to change every area of your life, from the inside out!



You will become part of an online fellowship of Christian women who are no longer relying on the world's way of losing weight but rather we are focusing on the Lord and renewing our minds so that we are spiritually, mentally and


able to do those good works He has prepared for us! (Eph 3:20)


My custom coaching programs

I know the mental struggles, overwhelm and lies from the enemy you have probably been facing again and again. They are keeping you defeated. You must know and apply Biblical principles to your mindsets, these principles are the key to your success. My one heart's desire is to see you and I truly walking in the freedom and abundance of God's calling for our life.

You can do this!

Learn how to invite God into your journey.

Grow your relationship with Him...

By keeping your focus on the Lord and deepening your relationship with Him you will walk in the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

Realize the spiritual element to your battle.

Gain understanding...

Replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of who you are Christ and see yourself as God sees you. You will gain a powerful understanding that you are in a spiritual battle and your need to put on the armor of God in order to combat the enemy's lies. Ephesians 6:10-18a.

Replace old habits with 'healthy' new ones.

Develop new habits...

Find your true God calling and His purposes for your life by developing healthy habits. When faced with out-of-control emotions, rather than running to others or old unhealthy habits, run to God for comfort and peace and freedom from everything holding you back. Begin afresh and anew, with the end in sight not the past in mind!

A Godly Focused Heart Way:

  • Four (4) 60-minute Zoom meetings

  • 5 Steps to Start to Prepare for Change Workbook Downloadable PDF

  • Discovering Your ‘WHY’ Worksheet 

  • Digging Deeper FEEAR (Faith, Evaluate, Educate, Apathy & Recognize) Work Sheet

  • 3 Page Printable Revive My Heart O God Daily Devotional Template


4 sessions for the price of 3

(SAVE $125)

A Godly Focused Heart Way 2.0:

  • Twelve (12) Weekly 60-minute Zoom 1:1 meetings

  • Core 4 Energy Management Workbook

  • 5-Week Mini-Course "5 Steps to Start Preparing for Change" (6 Video Teaching Series on Preparing Your Heart, Mind and Will for Change)

  • Digging Deeper FEEAR (Faith, Evaluate, Educate, Apathy & Recognize) Work Sheet

  • Journaling Pages

  • 31 Day Revive My Heart O God Bible Reading Devotional Download

  • Discovering Your ‘WHY’ Worksheet

  • One (1) 30-minute 911 Zoom meeting per month during the 3-month (12-week) coaching time period

  • Your Own Free Private Voxer Channel  Access During Office Hours (Mon-Thursday 10 AM-4 PM CST)



3 months for the price of 2

(SAVE $500)

Imagine if...

  • You could reach your weight-loss goals and stop the yo-yo dieting once and for all.

  • Be free of the guilt and shame that has plagued you in the past and finally find peace with yourself and with God.

  • Grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord and experience His love for you.

  • See yourself the way God sees you and how much He loves you.

  • Truly know He has great plans for you.

  • Never stress out about your weight again.

  • Feel confident and comfortable in your ‘own skin.’

  • Walk into any store, any time and find AND buy the clothes you love!

    Your past does not define your future. Unless you let it.

What you get

A Godly Focused Heart Way:

Four (4) 60-minute 1:1 Zoom meetings

valued at $500

Bonus #1: 5 Steps to Start to Prepare for Change Workbook Download

valued at $67

Bonus #2: FEEAR (Faith, Evaluate, Educate, Apathy & Recognize) Devotional Worksheet

valued at $27

Bonus #3: Discovering Your ‘WHY’ Worksheet valued at $27

Total Value = $621

(you pay $375)

A Godly Focused Heart Way 2.0:

Twelve (12) Weekly 60-minute Zoom 1:1 meetings

valued at $1500

Core 4 Energy Management Workbook

valued at $37

5-Week Mini-Course "5 Steps to Start Preparing for Change" (6 Video Teaching Series on Preparing Your Heart, Mind and Will for Change) Digging Deeper Study Guides, Resource Guide, Journal Pages, Devotional Downloads and Discovering Your ‘WHY’ Worksheet)

valued at $182

One (1) 30-minute 911 Zoom meeting per month during the 3-month (12-week) coaching

valued at $187

Your Own Free Private Voxer Channel  Access During Office Hours (Mon-Thursday 10 AM-4 PM CST)

valued at $400

Total Value = $2,306

(you pay $997)

Meet your coach

Barbie Sheffield

Here’s what I want you to know: I totally 100 percent understand your struggle. I know what it's like to be embarrassed because of my weight. I know what it's like to not fit in the booth at the restaurant. I know what it's like to have to buy plus-size clothes and look frumpy all the time. And yes, I even knew that as a child.

I know what it's like to believe the lies of the enemy that tell me continually, “You will never lose weight, You'll always be like this, You have no self-control, You have no discipline” and the list goes on. All lies of the enemy I used to believe.

Once I invited the Lord into my weight loss journey and began to focus on Him and renew my mind (Romans 12:2) instead of my unhealthy behaviors and limiting beliefs I began to see changes.

At my highest weight I was 273 pounds? By God’s grace, I have now lost 90+lbs. and counting. I have not arrived yet, (Philippians 3:12-14) but the difference now is that I can see the end in sight. I will never go back to believing anything the enemy throws at me. Or my own wrong mindset for that matter.

Over and over again, I’ve seen testimony after testimony of women being transformed by the Lord, not just in the area of weight loss, but in every area of their lives so that they are truly living in freedom and fulfilling the call of God in their lives.

And I want that for you too.

See what clients are saying...

I had the privilege of working with Barbie of Godly Focused Hearts who not only guided me towards success in my desired areas but she also incorporated wisdom and spiritual guidance into our sessions. Barbie provided insight and had such a tender heart towards me, it was so impactful! Her ability to draw parallels between life's challenges and how The Lord sees me provided me with such a beautiful perspective. Through her insightful coaching, I was able to understand on a deeper level the areas I needed help in and why! I highly recommend Barbie to anyone seeking success!


Barbie, I think you should have been a teacher! It’s like we have been doing all the same things as far as trying to lose weight the world's way, but now I know we have to glorify God, asking Him to help us, and to ask the Holy Spirit to help. I now know I have to think about what I’m doing in the kitchen when I know I shouldn’t be. I wrote down all 6 statements. I’m making them my new habits. Thank you for your support, encouragement and love. 💗 See you inside the Fellowship!


It was very beneficial spending time with you during our coaching sessions. It really helped to make my dreams/visions more real and tangible.

You are definitely operating in your gifting.


When I first heard Barbie talking about a verse in the Bible my first thought was, "Wow, just wow. No way! Does the Bible really say that about me? Me?" I told her right then and there I was going to look it up and see for myself! Her response? "YES! Don't take my word for it. You get in the Bible and see for yourself." Since then I have invited God into every area of my life, including my diet. It's been amazing. Thank you Barbie, it's hard, but you helped me see things in a totally new way. Thank God. And yes, I recommend Barbie!


How GODLY FOCUSED HEARTS changed my thinking about God and food. First, GFH has gotten me into the Bible more than ever and I have discovered so many other resources to help me understand more about God and His word. Also, GFH has helped me to STOP-PRAY-THINK: changing my mindset and my heart (not just for a healthy heart) but to always have a growing heart for God.

Truly, a Godly Focused Heart. I’m changing more everyday in prayer, worship and focusing on losing weight the right way…God’s Way!


I had the privilege of working with Barbie of Godly Focused Hearts who not only guided me towards success in my desired areas but she also incorporated wisdom and spiritual guidance into our sessions. Barbie provided insight and had such a tender heart towards me, it was so impactful! Her ability to draw parallels between life's challenges and how The Lord sees me provided me with such a beautiful perspective. Through her insightful coaching, I was able to understand on a deeper level the areas I needed help in and why! I highly recommend Barbie to anyone seeking success!


Barbie, I think you should have been a teacher! It’s like we have been doing all the same things as far as trying to lose weight the world's way, but now I know we have to glorify God, asking Him to help us, and to ask the Holy Spirit to help. I now know I have to think about what I’m doing in the kitchen when I know I shouldn’t be. I wrote down all 6 statements. I’m making them my new habits. Thank you for your support, encouragement and love. 💗 See you inside the Fellowship!


It was very beneficial spending time with you during our coaching sessions. It really helped to make my dreams/visions more real and tangible. You are definitely operating in your gifting.


When I first heard Barbie talking about a verse in the Bible my first thought was, "Wow, just wow. No way! Does the Bible really say that about me? Me?" I told her right then and there I was going to look it up and see for myself! Her response? "YES! Don't take my word for it. You get in the Bible and see for yourself." Since then I have invited God into every area of my life, including my diet. It's been amazing. Thank you Barbie, it's hard, but you helped me see things in a totally new way. Thank God. And yes, I recommend Barbie!


How GODLY FOCUSED HEARTS changed my thinking about God and food. First, GFH has gotten me into the Bible more than ever and I have discovered so many other resources to help me understand more about God and His word. Also, GFH has helped me to STOP-PRAY-THINK: changing my mindset and my heart (not just for a healthy heart) but to always have a growing heart for God.

Truly, a Godly Focused Heart. I’m changing more everyday in prayer, worship and focusing on losing weight the right way…God’s Way!


I know Bible based coaching can help any woman who sincerely desires to surrender her weight struggles to the Lord and invite Him into her weight-loss journey. These proven biblical principles and strategies have worked for me and hundreds of women achieve lasting results and can work for you too.

Bottom Line: I want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you change your mind, I will give you a full refund (minus the 5% refund fee) as long as you meet these 3 requirements: 1) You must request a refund within two weeks after your first live coaching call. 2) Complete at least 1 of the Homework tasks you agreed to in the coaching call and submit a copy to me. 3) Honestly tell me why you're wanting a refund and why you think biblical weight loss coaching is not right for you. Please note this is NOT a subscription. It cannot be canceled once the refund period is over.


One-on-one biblical weight-loss coaching may be a different approach to weight loss than anything you have tried in the past. It’s about getting to the real reasons why we overeat and allowing the Lord to come in to restore, renew and set us free from the bondage of food so that we can truly fulfill His plans for our lives.

Here are some frequently asked questions that may help you as you prayerfully consider The Godly Focused Heart Way...

Is Godly Focused Hearts a ‘Diet Program?’

No. Do we talk about healthy eating, moving our bodies, rest, hydration, and all the elements that are critical to weight loss? Absolutely! But GFH incorporates the whole person, body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit.

My coaching is biblically based and designed specifically for you to learn how to rely on and trust in Christ to help you grow, develop, and achieve a consistent and healthy weight.

Why is this so different from anything I have done before?

The $72+ billion a year weight loss industry keeps us focused on two things: Food, and the scales. Both are exactly what the Lord desires to set us free from.

As Christian women, most, if not all, of the diets we have been on in the past fall short of inviting God into our weight loss plans. Biblical weight loss is not so much about the food and being in a love/hate relationship with our scale. It’s about the heart.

God’s desire is for us to come to Him and cast all of our cares upon Him, including our unhealthy eating habits. Why? Because He cares for us. 1 Peter 5:8

I have medical issues. Is this program safe for me?

First and foremost, we advise you to always consult your physician before beginning or incorporating any new eating program into your daily routines/life.

We promote healthy eating, exercising according to your abilities, staying hydrated, and other areas of healthy lifestyles.

Are you a doctor or nurse?

No. I have no medical degrees or background other than my medical problems due to being overweight, including being told I would be completely paralyzed from my chest down within 6 to 8 months if I did not lose weight.

I do hold certifications in Christian life coaching as well as Biblical counseling.

But here’s what I want you to know:

I am a Christian woman just like you who has struggled with being overweight most all my life. I know and have experienced the same things you have. I’m here to share how I have found freedom in Christ. Why? Because He is our only hope. He has great and mighty things He wants to show you. Jeremiah 33:3. His plans for you are good. Jeremiah 29:11-14 And, He created you on purpose and for a purpose. Ephesians 2:10

My hope and prayer for you is that you too will prayerfully consider inviting Christ into your weight loss journey.

I’d love to help you, indeed it would be my honor to do just that!

How fast will I be able to see results?

If you are looking for a quick weight loss program, this is not for you.

You most likely have struggled with being overweight, unhealthy eating habits, and limiting beliefs for a long time. Changing those things that will not and cannot happen ‘overnight.’

The truth is that the habits that have taken years to accumulate need to be broken down and that takes time. Becoming more aware of each area of your ‘whole’ life that the Lord desires to change in you, is the key to overcoming and you will see changes over time.

Galatians 6:9

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

I still have more questions. How do I contact you?

I am here to help you. Please email me: [email protected]

Or simply go to and set up a meeting via Zoom. I would be honored to speak with you!!!

I plant my flag on this:

Pressing Toward the Goal Philippians 3:12-14

"12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Coach Barbie Sheffield

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